
Expertise and manpower you need for the designing, the physical installation, the management of operations, and the maintenance of equipment and systems of your factory for milling and food production at optimum levels of quality control and operations.

Engineer Ryan Alan S. Celis is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MILLING TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION. He holds office at B6 L33, 5th Avenue, Ledesco Village, LAPAZ, ILOILO CITY, Philippines. Click here to see Personal Profile

MTC: Developed to Contend with Challenges

Milling Technology Corporation (MTC) is a testimony that knowledge, skills and advancement in technological services need not be stifled by globally impacting hindrances such as a pandemic or international conflicts. MTC was once the MillTech Engineering and Consultancy (MEC) before a pandemic created worldwide industrial and economic difficulties. In spite of the presenting challenges MEC grew, in capability, services and operation, to become the technological corporation that boldly upgraded its services, skills and manpower to advance its commitment to support the feed mill industry, and help keep up food production, particularly in this period of production and industrial challenges.

Personal Attention of CEO

Engineer Ryan Alan S. Celis, personally lead the bold steps in transforming MillTech Engineering Consultancy (MEC) into Milling Technology Corporation (MTC).

While MTC is advancing its engineering and technological services, it did not minimize its original services in the provision of expert advice as engineering consultants and as trainers of executive engineers and skilled manpower for the feed mill industry.

Engineer Ryan Alan Celis gives personal attention to clients and their projects that are being undertaken. He is proud of the track record, accomplishments and enhanced capability of Milling Technology Corporation, and he will be glad to personally talk or exchange communications with anyone who would want to know more about MTC and its services, without obligation.

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Designing and preparation of plans.

We do the structural designing and the drafting of plans.

Erection and setting up of plant facilities.

Our services include structural design, civil engineering, mechanical, electrical and plumbing installations, start up operation and commissioning.

Management of plant operations.

We provide the technical expertise and manpower to start up a plant, maintain operational status and provide training for technicians.

Maintenance of equipment and operating system.

We provide technical expertise, manpower and equipment for the maintenance of the machineries and the operating systems in the plant.

Toll Milling

We supply the expertise, specialized equipment and manpower to complete the manufacturing processes up to the point that your products are ready for storage or shipment. Our toll manufacturing practices adhere to strict quality control and, as a policy, target the optimum level of production performance that is within your cost effective parameters.

Manpower Training

We conduct training seminars and hands-on individual training sessions for plant managers, supervisors and operations manpower. Our training components include design of training content and format to address dynamics in engineering, manufacturing, maintenance, logistical management, quality workforce development, quality personnel practices, rational approach to problem solving and effective decision making.


Engineer Ryan Alan Celis, CEO of Milling Technology Corporation, personally welcomes requests for consultations.

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B6 L33 5th Avenue, Ledesco Village, ILOILO CITY, Philippines 

Telefax: (63) (33) 320 12 97 Mobile Phone: (63) (33) 501 0375 Email: