Profile of Milling Technology Corporation

What is Milling Technology Corporation?

Milling Technology Corporation (MTC) is an enterprise that was organized to serve the growing demand in the manufacturing industry for third party services in the engineering and production needs of local manufacturers in the Philippines particularly in the feed and food industry. MTC also offer third party services to industrial enterprises in ASEAN member-countries in Southeast Asia.

Year Established and Incorporated

MTC was first established in September 2015, as MillTech Engineering and Consultancy, a single-proprietorship business enterprise. In April 2021, it was incorporated and registered as the Milling Technology Corporation (MTC).

Government Registrations

MTC is duly registered in the Philippine's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the regulatory and licensing offices of the Iloilo City Government. Its registered principal office is in Ledesco Village, District of La Paz, in the city of ILOILO, Republic of the Philippines. 


MTC was founded and managed by Ryan Alan S. Celis, a licensed mechanical engineer. He is engaged as an engineering consultant in the Philippines and abroad. He also conducts training seminars and hands-on training sessions for managers and line workforce of manufacturing entities. He likewise serves as resource person and trainer in regular conventions and workshops of feed and food producers in different countries of Southeast Asia and elsewhere.

Industrial Clients

Since the time of its founding in 2015, MTC has been continually engaged by the country's major and leading players in the feed and food manufacturing, particularly by those that are meeting the fast growing demand for poultry and livestock quality feeds. (Names of these manufacturers are listed at bottom of this page.)


The engineering requirements and performance demanded by the prime manufacturing giants that engage MTC compel it to continually enhance its capacity and capabilities to deliver engineering skills, operational competence and manpower resources that can meet stringent quality requirements with optimum cost-to-effect impacts.  At present MTC maintains up to 100 personnel who are spread to different locations.

Names of Major Clients

  • San Miguel Foods, Inc.
  • Bounty Plus, Inc.
  • Vienovo Philippines, Inc.
  • CJ Philippines
  • Aggrissential Feeds Company, Inc.
  • FAMSUN Ltd
  • Agri-Pacific Corporation
  • Philippine Foremost Milling Corporation
  • Vitarich Corporation
  • Nutriva Agri-Ventures Corporation
  • General Milling Corporation
  • New Panay Agriventures Development, Inc.
  • Feedmix Specialists, Inc.
  • Philippine Foremost Milling Corporation

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B6 L33 5th Avenue, Ledesco Village, ILOILO CITY, Philippines

Telefax: (63) (33) 320 12 97 Mobile Phone: (63) (33) 501 0375 Email: